Dr. Bernard Aliu

Former ICAO Council President, Dr. Aliu Establishes iPADIS

In his passion to continue to support the global aviation industry, the immediate past International Civil Aviation (ICAO) Council President, Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu has established a non-for-profit organization called International Partners For Aviation Development, Innovation And Sustainability (iPADIS).

“Aviation is a customer-focused economic multiplier, which lies at the heart of fostering social and economic development. It is necessary to ensure that aviation develops and grows in a sustainable manner and continues to produce inclusive and productive economic growth, by adopting new technologies and procedures that minimize adverse impacts on the environment and to respond to passengers’ expectations. Accordingly, iPADIS focuses its activities primarily on the following: Sustainability, Innovation, and Social Responsibility,” said Dr. Aliu, who is the chairman of the governing body.


Dr. Aliu said: “There is much to do in the industry and I believe I still have much to offer with my experience in the ICAO.”

According to the organization: “For decades aviation has provided the only rapid worldwide transportation network, which made it essential for global business. It facilitates international trade and tourism, creates jobs, supports local businesses, stimulates foreign investments, and contributes to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as well as fosters other socio-economic benefits.

“Our vision is for international civil aviation to develop globally in an innovative, sustainable, and socially responsible manner,” iPADIS said on its website. “Our mission is to partner with governments, organizations, industry, and civil society stakeholders to promote innovative and sustainable development of international civil aviation around the world so that aviation would continue to contribute to world peace, economic prosperity and social advances everywhere, for current and future generations.”

“Mr. Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, a former President of the ICAO Council and Lifetime Goodwill Ambassador of ICAO is a member of the Board,” said Dr. Aliu.

“We will extend collaboration to ICAO and other UN Agencies; AU, EU, ACAO, AFCAC, ECAC, LACAC, and other intergovernmental regional organizations; IATA, ACI, CANSO, Aircraft Manufacturers and other Aviation Organizations; the World Bank, Regional Banks, and other financial institutions; other NGOs, charitable organizations, and Foundations; as well as with the Canadian Federal, Quebec Regional and Montreal Municipal partners on areas of common interests and activities.

“The membership of the organization is opened to distinguished personalities and relevant organizations from all sectors of the aviation industry, travel and tourism industry, financial institutions, the academics, and the civil society, including Government agencies; Airlines and airports; Air navigation services providers; Manufacturers; Business Aviation; International aviation organizations; Tourism and travels; organizations; Educational institutions; Environmental organizations; Financial Institutions; Civil Society organizations and others.”

 Source: https://ipadis.org